[+] Stammesmagier
Englisch: Tribal Spell Casters | |
Monster-Typ0 | Obergruppe |
Es gibt zwei Arten von Stammes-Magiern: Schamanen (Kleriker) und Hexendoktoren (Kleriker/Zauberkundige).
Ein Stamm wird niemals einen Schamanen und einen Hexendoktor gleichzeitgen haben, sondern immer nur einen von beiden, es sei denn, sie sind Höhlen- oder Stammesmenschen.
Die folgenden Spezies sind Beispiele für Kreaturen, die diese Art Magier haben:
- Froschmenschen
- Grottenschrat
- Höhlenmenschen
- Stammesmenschen
- Ettins
- Riesen
- Gnolle
- Goblins
- Hobgoblins
- Kobolde
- Echsenmenschen
- Oger
- Orks
- Troglodyten
- Trolle
Optionale Regeln
hit dice and attack Rolls: If a tribal spell caster is of 1st level, it will have the hit points and attack dice of a normal creature of that kind. Each additional level grants +1d6 hp and a bonus of +1 on “to hit” rolls, so an orcish witchdoctor who is a 5th/4th level cleric/magic user might have 1d8+4d6 hp and attack at +4 “to hit” relative to his or her fellows.
giants: In campaigns with a very Norse fl avour, certain giants may have illusionist rather than clerical powers. Use the rules for a tribal shaman as described above, but grant the giant phantasmal spells rather than divine ones. In this case, the giant may use any phantasmal spell in his or her spellbook; this overrides the restrictions on tribal spellcaster magic as described above.