Cleric Spells by Level

Level One Level Two Level Three Level Four Level Five Level Six Level Seven
1 Segnen* Vorahnung Tote beleben Cure Serious Wounds* Atonement Aerial Servant Astral Spell
2 Befehl Heiliger Gesang Permantes Licht* Detect Lie* Commune Animate Object Control Weather
3 Wasser erschaffen* Bezauberung entdecken* Nahrung und Wasser erschaffen Divination Cure Critical Wounds* Blade Barrier Earthquake
4 Leichte Wunden heilen* Fallen finden Erblindung heilen* Exorcise Dispel Evil* Conjure Animals Gate
5 Böses entdecken* Person festhalten Krankheiten heilen* Lower Water* Flame Strike Find the Path* Holy Word*
6 Magie entdecken Gesinnung erkennen* Magie bannen Neutralise Poison* Insect Plague Heal* Regenerate*
7 Licht Feuer widerstehen Scheintod Pro. From Evil 10-ft R.* Plane Shift Part Water Restoration*
8 Schutz vor Bösem* Stille, 15 Fuß Radius Glyphe des Schutzes Speak With Plants Quest Speak w/Monsters Resurrection*
9 Nahrung und Wasser reinigen* Gifte verlangsamen Gegenstand aufspüren* Sticks to Snakes* Raise Dead* Stone Tell Symbol
10 Angst entfernen* Schlangen bezaubern Gebet Tongues* True Seeing* Word of Recall Wind Walk
11 Kälte widerstsehen Mit Tieren sprechen Fluch brechen
12 Heiligtum Waffe des Glaubens Mit Toten sprechen

Druid Spells by Level

Level One Level Two Level Three Level Four Level Five Level Six Level Seven
1 Tierfreundschaft Borkenhaut Blitze herbeirufen Animal Summoning I Animal Growth* Animal Summoning III Animate Rock
2 Magie entdecken Person/Säugetier bezaubern Krankheiten heilen* Call Woodland Beings Animal Summoning II Anti-Animal Shell Chariot of Fire
3 Gruben und Fallstricke entdecken Wasser erschaffen Tier festhalten Cntrl Temp., 10-ft R. Anti-Plant Shell Conjure Fire Elemental* Confusion
4 Verstricken Leichte Wunden heilen* Gifte neutralisieren* Cure Serious Wounds* Commune With Nature Cure Critical Wounds* Conjure Earth Elemental*
5 Feenfeuer Scheintod Pflanzenwachstum Dispel Magic Control Winds Feeblemind Control Weather
6 Unsichtbar für Tiere Feuerfalle Schutz vor Feuer Hallucinatory Forest Insect Plague Fire Seeds Creeping Doom
7 Tiere aufspühren Metall erhitzen* Feuerwerk Hold Plant Pass Plant Transport via Plants Finger of Death
8 Spurlos gehen Pflanzen aufspüren Fallstrick Plant Door Sticks to Snakes* Turn Wood Fire Storm*
9 Wettervorhersage Starker Nebel Steinformen Produce Fire* Transmute Rock to Mud* Wall of Thorns Reincarnate
10 Wasser reinigen* Flammen erzeugen Insekten herbeirufen Pro. From Lightning Wall of Fire Weather Summoning Transmute Metal to Wood
11 Shillelagh Straucheln Baum Repel Insects
12 Mit Tieren sprechen Zerrholz Wasseratmung* Speak with Plants

Magic User Spells by Level

Level One Level Two Level Three Level Four Level Five Level Six Level Seven Level Eight Level Nine
1 Affect Normal Fires Audible Glamour Blink Charm Monster Airy Water Anti-Magic Shell Cacodemon Antipathy/ Sympathy Astral Spell
2 Burning Hands Continual Light Hellsehen Confusion Animal Growth* Control Weather Charm Plants Clenched Fist Crushing Hand
3 Charm Person Darkness, 15-ft Radius Clairvoyance Dig Animate Dead Death Spell Delayed Blast Fireball Clone Gate
4 Comprehend Languages Böses entdecken* Magic bannen Dimension Door Cloudkill Disintegrate Duo-Dimension Glass-steel Imprisonment*
5 Tanzende Lichter Detect Invisibility Explosive Runes Enchanted Weapon* Cone of Cold Enchant an Item Grasping Hand Incendiary Cloud Meteor Swarm
6 Magic entdecken ESP Feign Death Extension I Conjure Elemental Extension III Instant Summons Irresistible Dance Monster Summoning VII
7 Enlarge* Fool's Gold Fireball Fear Contact Other Plane Forceful Hand Limited Wish Mass Charm Power Word Kill
8 Erase Forget Flame Arrow Fire Charm Distance Distortion Freezing Sphere Mage's Sword Maze Prismatic Sphere
9 Feather Fall Invisibility Fly Fire Shield Extension II Geas Mass Invisibility Mind Blank Shape Change
10 Find Familiar Knock Gust of Wind Fire Trap Feeblemind Glasseye Monster Summoning V Monster Summoning VI Temporal Stasis*
11 Floating Disk False Trap Haste Fumble Hold Monster Globe of Invulnerability Phase Door Permanency Time Stop
12 Friends Levitate Hold Person Hallucinatory Terrain Interposing Hand Guards and Wards Power Word Stun Polymorph Object Wish
13 Hold Portal Locate Object Infravision Ice Storm Mage's Faithful Hound Invisible Stalker
14 Identify Magic Mouth Invisibility, 10-ft Radius Massmorph Magic Jar Legend Lore
15 Jump Mirror Image Lightning Bolt Minor Globe of Invulnerability Monster Summoning III Lower Water*
16 Licht Feuerwerk Monster Summoning I Mnemonic Enhancement Passwall Monster Summoning IV
17 Magic Aura Ray of Enfeeblement Phantasmal Force Monster Summoning II Secret Chest Move Earth
18 Magic Missile Rope Trick Pro. From Evil, 10-ft Radius* Plant Growth Stone Shape Part Water
19 Mending Scare Protection/Normal Missiles Polymorph Other Telekinesis Project Image
20 Message Shatter Slow Polymorph Self Teleport Reincarnation
21 Protection From Evil* Stinking Cloud Suggestion Remove Curse* Transmute Rock to Mud Repulsion
22 Push Strength Tiny Hut Wall of Fire Wall of Force Spirit-rack
23 Read Magic* Web Tongues Wall of Ice Wall of Iron Stone to Flesh*
24 Shield Wizard Lock Water Breathing* Wizard Eye Wall of Stone Transformation
25 Shocking Grasp
26 Sleep
27 Spider Climb
28 Unseen Servant
29 Ventriloquism
30 Write

Illusionist Spells by Level

Level One Level Two Level Three Level Four Level Five Level Six Level Seven
1 Audible Glamour Blindness Continual Darkness Confusion Chaos Conjure Animals Alter Reality
2 Change Self Blur Continual Light Dispel Exhaustion Demi-Shadow Monsters Demi-Shadow Magic Astral Spell
3 Colour Spray Deafness Dispel Illusion Emotion Major Creation Mass Suggestion Prismatic Spray
4 Tanzende Lichter Detect Magic Fear Improved Invisibility Maze Permanent Illusion Prismatic Wall
5 Darkness Fog Cloud Hallucinatory Terrain Massmorph Project Image Program. Illusion Vision
6 Detect Illusion Hypnotic Pattern Illusory Script Minor Creation Shadow Door Shades Arcane Spells level 1
7 Detect Invisibility Improved Phantasmal Force Invisibility, 10-ft Radius Phantasmal Killer Shadow Magic True Sight
8 Gaze Reflection Invisibility Non-Detection Shadow Monsters Summon Shadow Veil
9 Hypnotism Magic Mouth Paralysation
10 Light Mirror Image Rope Trick
11 Phantasmal Force Misdirection Spectral Force
12 Wall of Fog Ventriloquism Suggestion