Benutzer:Yandere: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Aus Alrik
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(105 dazwischenliegende Versionen von 2 Benutzern werden nicht angezeigt)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:

==Klerikale Zauber==
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! !! Grad 1 !! Grad 2 !! Grad 3 !! Grad 4 !! Grad 5 !! Grad 6 !! Grad 7
|1 || [[Segnen]]* || [[Vorahnung]] || [[Tote beleben]] || Cure Serious Wounds* || Atonement || Aerial Servant || Astral Spell
|2 || [[Befehl]] || [[Heiliger Gesang]] || [[Permantes Licht]]* || Detect Lie* || Commune || Animate Object || Control Weather
|3 || [[Wasser erschaffen]]* || [[Bezauberung entdecken]]* || [[Nahrung und Wasser erschaffen]] || Divination || Cure Critical Wounds* || Blade Barrier || Earthquake
|4 || [[Leichte Wunden heilen]]* || [[Fallen finden]] || [[Erblindung heilen]]* || Exorcise || Dispel Evil* || Conjure Animals || Gate
|5 || [[Böses entdecken]]* || [[Person festhalten]] || [[Krankheiten heilen]]* || Lower Water* || Flame Strike || Find the Path* || Holy Word*
|6 || [[Magie entdecken]] || [[Gesinnung erkennen]]* || [[Magie bannen]] || [[Gifte neutralisieren]]* || Insect Plague || Heal* || Regenerate*
|7 || [[Licht]] || [[Feuer widerstehen]] || [[Scheintod]] || [[Schutz vor Bösem, 10 Fuß Radius]]* || Plane Shift || Part Water || Restoration*
|8 || [[Schutz vor Bösem]]* || [[Stille, 15 Fuß Radius]] || [[Glyphe des Schutzes]] || Speak With Plants || Quest || Speak w/Monsters || Resurrection*
|9 || [[Nahrung und Wasser reinigen]]* || [[Gifte verlangsamen]] || [[Gegenstand aufspüren]]* || Sticks to Snakes* || Raise Dead* || Stone Tell || Symbol
|10 || [[Angst entfernen]]* || [[Schlangen bezaubern]] || [[Gebet]] || Tongues* || True Seeing* || Word of Recall || Wind Walk
|11 || [[Kälte widerstsehen]] || [[Mit Tieren sprechen]] || [[Fluch brechen]] ||  || || ||
|12 || [[Heiligtum]] || [[Waffe des Glaubens]] || [[Mit Toten sprechen]] ||  || || ||
==Druidische Zauber==
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! !! Grad 1 !! Grad 2 !! Grad 3 !! Grad 4 !! Grad 5 !! Grad 6 !! Grad 7
| 1 || [[Tierfreundschaft]] || [[Borkenhaut]] || [[Blitze herbeirufen]] || Animal Summoning I || Animal Growth* || Animal Summoning III || Animate Rock
| 2 || [[Magie entdecken]] || [[Person/Säugetier bezaubern]] || [[Krankheiten heilen]]* || Call Woodland Beings || Animal Summoning II || Anti-Animal Shell || Chariot of Fire
| 3 || [[Gruben und Fallstricke entdecken]] || [[Wasser erschaffen]] || [[Tier festhalten]] || Cntrl Temp., 10-ft R. || Anti-Plant Shell || Conjure Fire Elemental* || Confusion
| 4 || [[Verstricken]] || [[Leichte Wunden heilen]]* || [[Gifte neutralisieren]]* || Cure Serious Wounds* || Commune With Nature || Cure Critical Wounds* || Conjure Earth Elemental*
| 5 || [[Feenfeuer]] || [[Scheintod]] || [[Pflanzenwachstum]] || Dispel Magic || Control Winds || Feeblemind || Control Weather
| 6 || [[Unsichtbar für Tiere]] || [[Feuerfalle]] || [[Schutz vor Feuer]]|| Hallucinatory Forest || Insect Plague || Fire Seeds || Creeping Doom
| 7 || [[Tiere aufspühren]] || [[Metall erhitzen]]* || [[Feuerwerk]] || Hold Plant|| Pass Plant || Transport via Plants || Finger of Death
| 8 || [[Spurlos gehen]] || [[Pflanzen aufspüren]] || [[Fallstrick]] || Plant Door || Sticks to Snakes* || Turn Wood || Fire Storm*
| 9 || [[Wettervorhersage]] || [[Starker Nebel]] || [[Steinformen]] || Produce Fire* || Transmute Rock to Mud* || Wall of Thorns || Reincarnate
| 10 || [[Wasser reinigen]]* || [[Flammen erzeugen]] || [[Insekten herbeirufen]] || Pro. From Lightning || Wall of Fire || Weather Summoning || Transmute Metal to Wood
| 11 || [[Shillelagh]] || [[Straucheln]] || [[Baum]] || Repel Insects || || ||
| 12 || [[Mit Tieren sprechen]] || [[Zerrholz]] || [[Wasseratmung]]* || Speak with Plants  || || ||
==Arkane Zauber==
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! !! Grad 1 !! Grad 2 !! Grad 3 !! Grad 4 !! Grad 5 !! Grad 6 !! Grad 7 !! Grad 8 !! Grad 9
| 1 || [[Normale Feuer beeinflussen]] || [[Scheingeräusche]] || Blink || Charm Monster || Airy Water || Anti-Magic Shell || Cacodemon || Antipathy/ Sympathy || Astral Spell
| 2 || [[Brennende Hände]] || [[Permantes Licht]] || [[Hellsehen]]
| Confusion || Animal Growth* || Control Weather || Charm Plants || Clenched Fist || Crushing Hand
| 3 || [[Person bezaubern]] || [[Dunkelheit, 15 Fuß Radius]] || Clairvoyance || Dig || Animate Dead || Death Spell || Delayed Blast Fireball || Clone || Gate
| 4 || [[Sprachen verstehen]] || [[Böses entdecken]]* || [[Magie bannen]] || Dimension Door || Cloudkill || Disintegrate || Duo-Dimension || Glass-steel || Imprisonment*
| 5 || [[Tanzende Lichter]] || [[Unsichtbares entdecken]] || Explosive Runes || Enchanted Weapon* || Cone of Cold || Enchant an Item || Grasping Hand || Incendiary Cloud || Meteor Swarm
| 6 || [[Magie entdecken]] || [[Gedanken lesen]] || [[Scheintod]] || Extension I || Conjure Elemental || Extension III || Instant Summons || Irresistible Dance || Monster Summoning VII
| 7 || [[Vergrößern]]* || [[Katzengold]] || [[Feuerball]] || Fear || Contact Other Plane || Forceful Hand || Limited Wish || Mass Charm || Power Word Kill
| 8 || [[Auslöschen]] || [[Vergessen]] || Flame Arrow || Fire Charm || Distance Distortion || Freezing Sphere || Mage's Sword || Maze || Prismatic Sphere
| 9 || [[Federfall]] || [[Unsichtbarkeit]] || Fly || Fire Shield || Extension II || Geas || Mass Invisibility || Mind Blank || Shape Change
| 10 || [[Vertrauten binden]] || [[Klopfen]] || Gust of Wind || Fire Trap || Feeblemind || Glasseye || Monster Summoning V || Monster Summoning VI || Temporal Stasis*
| 11 || [[Schwebende Scheibe]] || [[Falsche Falle]] || Haste || Fumble || Hold Monster || Globe of Invulnerability || Phase Door || Permanency || Time Stop
| 12 || [[Freunde]] || [[Schweben]] || Hold Person || Hallucinatory Terrain || Interposing Hand || Guards and Wards || Power Word Stun || Polymorph Object || Wish
| 13 || [[Portal halten]] || [[Gegenstand aufspüren]] || Infravision || Ice Storm || Mage's Faithful Hound || Invisible Stalker || || ||
| 14 || [[Identifizieren]] || [[Magischer Mund]] ||[[Unsichtbarkeit, 10 Fuß Radius]] || Massmorph || Magic Jar || Legend Lore || || ||
| 15 || [[Springen]] || [[Spiegelbilder]] || Lightning Bolt || Minor Globe of Invulnerability || Monster Summoning III || Lower Water* || || ||
| 16 || [[Licht]] || [[Feuerwerk]] || Monster Summoning I || Mnemonic Enhancement || Passwall || Monster Summoning IV || || ||
| 17 || [[Magische Aura]] || [[Schwächestrahl]] || [[Kraft der Vorstellung]] || Monster Summoning II || Secret Chest || Move Earth || || ||
| 18 || [[Magische Geschosse]] || [[Seiltrick]] ||[[Schutz vor Bösem, 10 Fuß Radius]]* || [[Pflanzenwachstum]] || Stone Shape || Part Water || || ||
| 19 || [[Ausbessern]] || [[Erschrecken]] || Protection/Normal Missiles || Polymorph Other || Telekinesis || Project Image || || ||
| 20 || [[Botschaft]] || [[Zerbersten]] || Slow || Polymorph Self || Teleport || Reincarnation || || ||
| 21 || [[Schutz vor Bösem]]* || [[Stinkende Wolke]]
| Suggestion || Remove Curse* || Transmute Rock to Mud || Repulsion || || ||
| 22 || [[Schubsen]] || [[Stärke]] || Tiny Hut || Wall of Fire || Wall of Force || Spirit-rack || || ||
| 23 || [[Magie lesen]]* || [[Spinnennetz]] || Tongues || Wall of Ice || Wall of Iron || Stone to Flesh* || || ||
| 24 || [[Schild]] || [[Zauberschloss]] ||[[Wasseratmung]]* || Wizard Eye || Wall of Stone || Transformation || || ||
| 25 || [[Schockgriff]] ||  ||  || || ||  || || ||
| 26 || [[Schlaf]] ||  || || || ||  || || ||
| 27 || [[Spinnenklettern]]
|  || || || || || || ||
| 28 || [[Unsichtbarer Diener]] ||  || || || || || || ||
| 29 || [[Bauchreden]] ||  || || || || || || ||
| 30 || [[Schreiben]] ||  || || || || || || ||
==Phantasmische Zauber==
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! !! Grad 1 !! Grad 2 !! Grad 3 !! Grad 4 !! Grad 5 !! Grad 6 !! Grad 7
| 1 || [[Scheingeräusche]] || Blindness || [[Permante Dunkelheit]] || Confusion || Chaos || Conjure Animals || Alter Reality
| 2 || [[Verwandeltes Aussehen]]
| Blur || [[Permantes Licht]] || Dispel Exhaustion || Demi-Shadow Monsters || Demi-Shadow Magic || Astral Spell
| 3 || [[Sprühende Farben]]
| Deafness || Dispel Illusion || Emotion || Major Creation || Mass Suggestion || Prismatic Spray
| 4 || [[Tanzende Lichter]]
| [[Magie entdecken]] || Fear || Improved Invisibility || Maze || Permanent Illusion || Prismatic Wall
| 5 || [[Dunkelheit]] || Fog Cloud || Hallucinatory Terrain || Massmorph || Project Image || Program. Illusion || Vision
| 6 || [[Illusion erkennen]] || Hypnotic Pattern || Illusory Script || Minor Creation || Shadow Door || Shades || Arcane Spells level 1
| 7 || [[Unsichtbares entdecken]] || Improved Phantasmal Force || [[Unsichtbarkeit, 10 Fuß Radius]] || Phantasmal Killer || Shadow Magic || True Sight ||
| 8 || [[Blick spiegeln]] ||[[Unsichtbarkeit]] || Non-Detection || Shadow Monsters || Summon Shadow || Veil ||
| 9 || [[Hypnotismus]] || Magic Mouth || Paralysation || || || ||
| 10 || [[Licht]] || Mirror Image || [[Seiltrick]] || || || ||
| 11 || [[Kraft der Vorstellung]]
| Misdirection || Spectral Force || || || ||
| 12 || [[Wand aus Nebel]] || Ventriloquism || Suggestion || || || ||

Aktuelle Version vom 17. März 2024, 18:15 Uhr