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Magischer Gegenstand
Schatzverfügbarkeit:_ A C D E F G H I S X Z
Erlaubte Klassen: Jede

Although potions can be found in a variety of containers, includ-ing glass, ceramic, or metal fl asks, most contain only one dose that imbues their potion’s particular effects for one individual.

Most potions bear no label and require a small amount to be sampled in order to attempt to identify the potion type. This is not without error, and potions of the same type may differ in their aroma or taste depending on how they were made.

As a standard rule, potions take effect 1d4+1 segments after consumption, and last for 1d4 turns. This principle is supersed-ed where the specif i c potion description indicates otherwise.

Potions can normally be consumed in half doses, so that half the potion is consumed and operates for half the duration.

The creation of potions requires the joint efforts of magic us-ers and alchemists unless the magic user is over 11th level. A sample of the potion to be created must be obtained at some point in order to learn the formula for the particular potion

W20 Zaubertrank Wert (GM)
01 (50%) Trank der Tierherrschaft 400
(50%) Trank des Hellhörens 400
02 (50%) Trank des Hellhörens 500
(50%) Trank des Kletterns 500
03 (50%) Verfluchter Trank
(50%) Delusion 150
04 (65%) Diminution 500
(35%) Trank der Drachenherrschaft variiert
05 Trank des Gedankenlesens 850
06 (35%) Extra-Healing 800
(65%) Trank der Feuerherrschaft 400
07 (50%) Flying 750
(50%) Trank der Gasgestalt 400
08 (50%) Trank der Riesenherrschaft variiert
(50%) Trank der Riesenstärke variiert
09 Growth 300
10 Healing 400
11 (50%) Trank des Heldenmuts 500
(50%) Trank der Menschenherrschaft 900
12 (50%) Invisibility 500
(50%) Invulnerability 500
13 (50%) Levitation 400
(50%) Longevity 1000
14 (50%) Oil of Ætherealness 1500
(50%) Oil of Slipperiness 750
15 (50%) Philtre of Love 300
(50%) Philtre of Persuasiveness 850
16 (65%) Trank der Planzenherrschaft 300
(35%) Trank der Vielförmigkeit 350
17 (50%) Trank der Geschwindigkeit 450
(50%) Trank des Super-Heldenmuts 750
18 Sweet Water 250
19 (75%) Treasure Finding 2000
(25%) Trank der Untotenherrschaft 2500
20 Trank der Wasseratmung 900