Stab des Zwangs

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Stab des Zwangs
Englisch: Stave of Compulsion
Magischer Gegenstand
Langer Zauberstab
Schatzverfügbarkeit:  A C D E F G H I U V Z
Erlaubte Klassen: Jede
W20-Wurf (W4-Wurf): 18 (3-4)
GM-Wert: 25 000

Staff of Command: This device has 3 functions, only 2 of which will be ef- fective if the wielder is a magic-user, but all 3 work when the staff is in a cleric's hands. The 3 functions are:

  • Human influence: This power duplicates that of the ring of the same name. Each suggestion or chorrn draws 1 charge from the staff.
  • Mammal control: This power functions only as mammal control (as the ring of that name) when the staff is used by a magic-user,. Either use drains 1 charge per turn or fraction thereof.
  • Animal control: In the hands of a cleric it is animal control (as the potion of that name, all types of animals listed). Either use drains 1 charge per turn or fraction thereof.
  • Plant control: This function duplicates that of the potion of the same name, but for each 1” square area of plants controlled far 1 turn or less 1 charge is used. A magic-user cannot control plants at all.

Der Stab des Zwangs ist wiederaufladbar.