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Trank des Giftes
Englisch: Potion of Poison
Verfluchter Magischer Gegenstand
Schatzverfügbarkeit:_ A C D E F G H I S X Z
Erlaubte Klassen: Jede
W%-Wurf: 59-63

A poison potion is simply a highly toxic liquid in a potion flask. Typically, poison potions are odorless and of any color. Ingestion, introduction of the poison through a break in the skin, or possibly just skin contact, will cause death.

Poison can be weak (+4 to +1 on saving throw), average, or deadly (−1 to −4 or more on the saving throw). Some poison can be such that a neutralize poison spell will simply lower the toxicity level by 40% — say from a –4 to a +4 on saving throw potion.

You might wish to allow characters to hurl poison flasks.