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Magischer Gegenstand
Schatzverfügbarkeit:_ A C D E F G H I T Z
Erlaubte Klassen: Jede

Schriftrollen sind aufgerollt in verzierten oder schlichten Behältern gefunden werden.

Eine Schriftrollenbehälter mag magisch versiegelt sein, so das jemand Magie lesen wirken muss um die magischen Worte sprechen zu können um den behälter zu öffnen. Derselbe Vorgang wird auch offenbaren ob der Behälter verflucht oder mit einer magischen Falle versehen wurde.

W20 Schriftrolle
01 Verfluchte Schriftrolle
02-13 Zauber-Schriftrolle
14-20 Schutz-Schriftrolle

Eine Verfluchte Schriftrolle wird im Gegensatz zu anderen Schiftrollen durch das Wirken von Magie lesen augelöst.

Die Spielleitung mag entscheiden, dass die Schrift eine Schriftrolle manchmal (30%) verschwunden ist, wenn diese zu lange in ihrem Behälter aufbewahrt wurde, ohne das Magie lesen auf sie gewirkt wurde.


Once opened, if an arcane spell scroll, a further read magic spell must be used to comprehend the magical script. (Note that once read magic has been used on a scroll, the same user does not need to cast it again to comprehend the same scroll at a later time.)

When spell scrolls are found, use the table below to determine what class of spells is present. Only characters of the appropriate class may use the spells.

W20 Zauber-Schriftrolle Wert (GM)
01-03 Kerikale Schriftrolle 300 pro Zauberrang
04-05 Druidische Schriftrolle
06-07 Phantasmische Schriftrolle
08-20 Arkane Schriftrolle

For the purposes of spell casting, all spells function as if cast by a spell user with one more level of experience than is necessary to cast the spell. However, all spells cast from a scroll are cast as the minimum equivalent of a 6th level spell caster. Thus, even a 1st level spell will be cast as if by a 6th level spell caster. Note that if a spell caster uses a scroll spell for a spell which he or she would normally be unable to cast due to being of insufficient level, there is a cumulative 5% probability that the spell fails for each level the caster is lower than the level required. For instance, if a 2nd level cleric attempts to use a spell that normally must be cast by a cleric of 4th level, there is a 10% chance of spell failure. In addition, if a roll indicates that a spell fails, there is an equal probability that the spell affects the caster, produces some other unfortunate effect, or creates some other effect at the GM's discretion.

Once a scroll spell is cast, the magical writings for that spell vanish. This also applies even when a scroll spell is read for the purpose of memorisation or to be added to a spell book.


Unless otherwise noted, all scrolls of warding produce an area of protection within a 10-ft radius of the reader, and the area moves with the affected character. No creature of the type indicated by the warding may enter the area of protection by any means, but if the affected character forces a creature of the affected type into this radius, the effects of the scroll are cancelled. Scroll effects may be “stacked” in that several different scrolls of warding may be active on one being at once, but scrolls of the same type do not stack for the purposes of increased duration or potency.

W20 Schutz-Schriftrolle Wert (GM)
01-02 Anti-Säure-Schriftrolle 5000
03-04 Anti-Dämonen-Schriftrolle 12500
05-06 Anti-Teufel-Schriftrolle 12500
07-09 Anti-Elementar-Schriftrolle 7500
10-11 Anti-Lykantrophen-Schriftrolle 5000
12-14 Anti-Magie-Schriftrolle 7500
15-16 Anti-Versteinerung-Schriftrolle 10000
17-18 Anti-Vielförmigkeit-Schriftrolle 7500
19-20 Anti-Untoten-Schriftrolle 7500