Psionischer Kampf

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Psionischer Kampf
Englisch: Psionic Combat

Psionische Kämpfe oder besser gesagt psionische Angriffe müssen von Psionikern vor dem Würfeln von Initiative deklariert werden. Wenn irgendein Psioniker psionisch angreifen will, ist dies ein guter Zeitpunkt für alle anwesenden Psioniker ihre Kampfstärke zu berechnen.

Angreifende Psionker begeben sich für diese Runde in eine psionische Trance, die ihnen erlaubt außerhalb der Initativreihenfolge zu aggieren. Sie führen 10 psionische Angriffe pro Runde (ein Angriff pro Segment) durch. Psioniker, die sich momentan eine Psi-Kraft aktiviert haben, müssen diese deaktivieren, um sich in Trance zu begeben. Während sie in Trance sind können sie diese Runde nichts anders mehr machen.

Psioniker, die nicht in Trance sind, können zwar selber keine Angriffsmodi wählen, dürfen aber immer nochr Verteidigungsmodi einsetzen, um sich gegen Psi-Angriffe zu verteidigen.

Each exchange of psionic attacks is made as follows:

  1. Each combatant with any remaining Psionic Defense Strength selects a Defense Mode in secret. Anyone acting outside of psionic combat or using Psychic Implosion as their attack mode must choose either the Shield Thoughts Defense Mode or no Defense Mode at all.
  2. Each combatant with any remaining Psionic Attack Strength selects an Attack Mode in secret. Anyone using a Discipline, using Psionic Wave against a non-psionic opponent, or acting outside of Psionic Combat cannot use an Attack Mode. At this time the psionicist must announce his intention to extend range.
  3. Attack and Defense Modes are revealed and compared to the Psionic Combat table. Results on this table deal an additional 1d6 damage for every full 25 points of the current Combat Strength of the attacker, up to a maximum of +5d6. Medium range attacks deal 1d6 less damage, and at long range deal 2d6 less damage. Those with no remaining Psionic Defense Strength (or who were unable to use a Defense Mode for any reason) are attacked according to the Psionic Attacks vs. Defenseless Psionic Targets table.
  4. Roll for damage. Psionic attacks 'penetrate' on damage rolls. If any die rolls a six, roll again and add the new result minus one to the total. If this penetration roll results in a second six, continue to roll, adding the new result minus one to the total each time, until the result is not a six. (For example, if a six were rolled, followed by a six and a one, the total damage dealt would be 6+(6-1)+(1-1) = 11 damage).
  5. Now Psionic Attack Strength is reduced by the cost of the Attack Mode, and Psionic Defense Strength is reduced by the amount of damage done. Note your new current Combat Strength.