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Monster-Typ: Anderweitige Kreatur
Seltenheit: Gewöhnlich
Gruppengröße: 2W8
Monstergröße: Menschengroß
Bewegungsrate: 120 Fuß
Rüstungsklasse:0 5
Trefferwürfel: 4+3 (21 TP ⌀)
Angriffe: 1 (Klaue)
Schaden: 1W4+Stufenverlust
Sonderangriffe: Keine
Sonderabwehr: Keine
Magieresistenz: Standard
Lager-Chance: 0%
Intelligenz: Durchschnittlich
Gesinnung: Rechtschaffend Böse
MS/EP: 1/Variabel
Kampfgeist: 45% + 5×TW% (min. 50%)

Wights are undead corpses risen with a twisted intelligence. Their undead power is linked to the negative material plane, and thus they permanently drain a level of experience from victims when they score a hit in combat. Although they are not damaged by sunlight, they loathe the rays of the sun and do not emerge by choice from their barrows and lairs during daylight. Wights are immune to sleep, hold, cold, and enchantment spells. They take 2d4 points of damage from holy water (per vial), and are destroyed by the casting of a raise dead spell. A human killed by a wight becomes a wight under the control of its maker.

Treasure: 1d8×1,000 cp (50%); 1d6×1,000 sp (25%); 1d4×1,000 ep (25%); 1d3×1,000 gp (25%); 1d8 gems (30%); 1d4 jewellery (20%); 1 magic item (sword, armour, or miscellaneous magic) (10%)