Mischen von Zaubertränken

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Mischen von Zaubertränken
Englisch: Admixture of Potions

Zaubertränke beinhalten eine große Menge magischer Energie und, wie jeder Alchemist oder Magier bekunden kann, benötigen sie auch sorgfältige Vorbereitung. Das zufällige Mischen von Zaubertränken kann unerwartete Ergebnisse liefern und nur Narren oder Verweifelte werden dies wagen. Mischungen von zwei oder mehr Zaubertränken geschieht dann wenn man sie einfach zusammenschüttet, aber auch wenn man einen Zaubertrank trinkend während man noch unter der Wirkung eines anderen steht. Das erste nennt man eine externe Mischung und das zweite eine interne Mischung.

Presented here for the GM’s consideration are a set of guide-lines for handling these situations. A particularly industrious referee might wish to map out a complete matrix of effects to be used any time a potion is mixed with another. While this would be of use, the matrices would have to be updated with each introduction of a new potion. Additionally, the different formulations of a potion are not accounted for in such a matrix.

OSRIC uses a set of guidelines combined with a random table to achieve a similar result with far less effort, as follows: Mixing a potion of clairaudience or clairvoyance with any other potion will stun anyone drinking the potion for 1d4 days, due to massive sensory overload from uncontrolled telepathic input.

The individual must be closely observed during this period to prevent harm to themselves or to others. An admixture contain-ing a potion of longevity as an ingredient will act as a slow spell upon the imbiber for 1 hour. A potion of polymorph admix-ture always yields a poison of strongest toxicity and the person drinking it must save at -4 or die. A potion of delusion admixed with any other potion will always produce a potion of delusion.

Thus, a potion of delusion mixed with a potion of invisibility will cause the drinker to believe he or she is truly invisible, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

W% Resultat des Tränkemischens
01 Eldritch blast! A catastrophic release of magical ener-gies. This massive energy discharge does 6d10 points of internal damage and 1d10 points of damage to anyone with 10 ft of the imbiber. If mixed externally, all persons within 10 ft of the epicentre of the blast take 4d6 points of damage, no saving throw allowed.
02-03 Poison, causing instant death if mixed internally, no save. External admixtures create a poisonous cloud 10 ft in diameter. Anyone within the cloud must save versus poison or die.
04-07 A strange brew results and imbiber sickens, losing 1d4 each strength and dexterity for 4d6 rounds, no sav-ing throw. One potion is completely nullif i ed and the other works at 50% strength and duration, determined randomly.
08-12 The potions cancel each other out.
13-20 One potion is cancelled and the other works at 50% strength and duration, determined randomly.
21-30 Both potions work but only at 50% strength and duration.
31-90 Successful admixture: both potions work normally.
91-99 Extraordinary success: one potion, determined ran-domly, works at 150% strength and duration while the other is cancelled.
00 Spectacular success! - One of the imbibed potions, determined randomly, has bestowed its effect perma-nently. Of course, this may not always be a good thing! Consider, for instance, a permanent potion of gaseous form effect.