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Englisch: Artifacts
Magischer Gegenstand
Erlaubte Klassen: Jede

Artefakte sind Relikte altererwürdiger Zivilisationen. Eine Kombination aus Alter, längst vergessener Magie, und dem Einfluss anderer Dimensionen hebt ihre Macht weit über die anderer magischer Gegenstände.

A well known example of an artifact would be the One Ring from Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy, or the krang from Alan Dean Foster’s “The Tar-Aiym Krang.” As one might deduce, the power of an artifact is potentially destructive to the campaign in which it is introduced and arti-facts should therefore never be randomly generated or lightly placed. Artifacts are divided into two groups: minor and major.

Major artifacts are unique items of great power, to rival that of the gods. Minor artifacts are not unique, though still quite rare, and of somewhat lesser power than major artifacts. Any artifact, major or minor, is nearly impossible to destroy.

Minor Artifacts


Major Artifacts

Unlike minor artifacts, major artifacts are unique (meaning each is one of a kind). These are the most potent magic items known to mortals. The power contained in a major artifact is capable of completely altering the balance of power in a campaign. Major artifacts are not easily unmade and each has a single and very specif i c means of destruction. A detailed description of major artifacts is not a fi t subject for the OSRIC core rules. As with certain other parts of the First Edition system—planar travel, encounter statistics for major demons and devils, and the like—major artifacts will be dealt with in separate and subsequent volumes, on the grounds that such things are not suitable for play at the more usual character levels